Voucher Terms & Conditions

A minimum order value of £300 applies unless a different minimum order value is stated on the respective promotional item or promotion. The voucher is non-transferable and can only be redeemed in combination with a shop order at allbranded.co.uk. The voucher is not valid for manual orders or special production requests. It is valid only once until the validity date on the voucher and will be automatically deducted from the net price if the voucher code is added at the checkout when the order is placed.

In the event of a complete return, the value of the voucher will be forfeited. In the case of a partial return, the voucher value will only be credited if the minimum order value is reached for the retained items. Otherwise, the voucher cannot be credited. It is not possible to redeem the voucher for products that fall below the voucher value. You can redeem a maximum of one voucher per order. Cash payment is not possible.

Unless otherwise stated, all Prodir brand products and food products are excluded from the discount promotion. If the discount is a percentage discount, a maximum discount of £500 cannot be exceeded. The voucher is not valid in conjunction with other discounts or vouchers. In case of loss or theft of the voucher, no refund can be made by allbranded. Claims for pro-rata or full replacement of a voucher does not exist.

Terms and conditions for the allbranded giveaway

    1. Eligibility: Participants must be 18 years or older and reside in the UK.

    2. Entry Requirements:

    - Follow @allbranded.official on Instagram.

    - Comment your profession/occupation on the giveaway post.

    - Optional: Tag a friend or colleague in your comment to increase your chances of winning.

    3. Prize: Winner will receive a selection of branded office merchandise, including headphones, a bottle, a laptop case, an anti-theft backpack, and a food container.

    4. Winner Selection: Winner will be selected randomly from all eligible entries.

    5. Notification: Winner will be contacted directly via private message on Instagram.

    6. Response Time: Winner must respond to the notification within 48 hours. Failure to do so will result in the selection of a new winner.

    7. General Conditions: By participating, entrants agree to these terms and conditions. allbranded reserves the right to modify or cancel the giveaway at any time.

Payment Methods:
  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Invoice
  • American Express
We Ship With: DPD